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Tutorial: Linking Your FHS Account to Your Social Media Accounts

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Your FantasyHockeySim.com account can be linked with your existing social media accounts to streamline login and communication.

If you created your FHS account by logging in via Facebook (for example), your FHS account will already be linked to your Facebook account and you can use the "Login with Facebook" option.  If you created your FHS account by entering a username and password, though, you can still link your account to a social media account.


From the FHS Community, click on your username in the top-right corner of the page.  This will open up a menu with "Account Settings" as one of the options.  Click that link.



This will take you to the Account Setting page, part of which is dedicated to managing your linked social media accounts.



Click the "Configure" links there and follow the workflow for each service to link your social media accounts to your FHS account.

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