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Release Notes - 5/11/2020


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We've released an update combining the Member Menu and the Message Center into a single menu visible in the site header.  The new menu looks as follows:



The new menu is broken up into several sections.

The first is a general section that includes a link to edit your FHS Member Profile and a logout link.  The second is for the FHS Community, with links to your Community Profile, Messenger, and any forums that you are following (none are shown in the above example).

Those two sections will probably be merged in a future update but as of right now there is still some division between the FHS Community and the rest of FHS and it is represented here.

The remaining sections are for each league in which you are a member, with links to your team, the GM Tools for that league, that league's forums, and that league's calendar.

Also new in this menu is a set of flags alerting you to action you need to take or items you might have missed.  A green flag is next to forums where you have unread messages.  A yellow flag is next to unread messages that were directed at you.  A red flag indicates a problem with your team that needs to be resolved.

If any flags are present in your Member Menu, a dot will appear over the "hamburger" icon used to open the Member Menu, in the color of the highest-level flag in the menu.

These changes were made to make it easier to see everything you might have missed in one place.

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An additional update has been published today, improving visibility of whether or not you, as a GM/Owner, have completed ballots for All-Star Game teams, season awards, and Hall of Fame classes.

If you still need to vote, that will be noted at the top of your GM Tools.  Additionally, a yellow flag will appear next to the GM Tools in your Member Menu (unless there is an issue with your roster, in which case the red flag from that will supercede the yellow flag from the voting alert.

Also, a bug was fixed regarding the daily voting reminder.  Reminders were not properly being sent for season awards.

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